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The South Bohemian Chateau was originally built as a fortress and the first mention of it dates back to the 14th century. In the middle of the 17th century it was rebuilt into a Baroque chateau and a hundred years later it was reconstructed and adapted to the needs of the upper class. It was also a popular destination for excursions and a film location. The legendary film The Golden Eels was filmed here in 1979, followed by The Vampire Wedding in 1993. However, the history of the Baroque castle Bzí in České Budějovice is much longer. The four-winged chateau with an inner courtyard was rebuilt around 1651 from an older fortress, and was modified in 1754. Since 1978, the building housed the JZD Rozkvět, as well as a liquor store, cheese factory and apartments.

"The chateau was self-maintained, and although it gradually decayed, there was still life in it. After the Revolution, however, there was unfortunately a breakthrough. The building changed hands between different owners, and eventually it appeared at a public auction," says Jana Mastíková, the chief architect of Loxia Studio, which decided to join the auction and bought the chateau.

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